bVacations/b, Interventions, Bounty Hunters,Friendship Bracelets and Turtles. bHere's/b some random crap for ya. I'm going to San Diego to hang out with my mom and kids for the weekend. Going to do all kinds of cheesy tourist stuff. ...
... also is home of the Colorado Railroad Museum. Without spending a lot of money on travel expenses and without putting too many miles on the family car, Colorado residents can still enjoy a summer break without feeling like they missed out on a real bvacation/b. ... Colorado has amazing history and many fun places to go. Cortez was a great find. It doesn't compare to the Denver Metro area, but a great place to see ancesteral history. Stay in Colorado, keep our money bhere/b. ...
Viewed from here, one can have a complete panoramic view of the Kuala Lumpur skyline because the Tower itself is circular in structure. Eating in the restaurant in KL Tower is having a meal in the highest point of Kuala Lumpur. ...